Wall Street Journal
Celebrated journalist Liz Garone reports on her experience after receiving public speaking coaching from Lisa

French Connection SF
Audio clip of Lisa and her former client discussing accent reduction.

Lisa lends public speaking advice in “#1 Work Skill We All Need to Know”

What every entrepreneur needs to know before making the big pitch to investors

Lisa lends advice for professionals seeking accent reduction.

Lisa gives insight into how women are treated in this RBG article.

Business Insider
Article by Julia Guerra featuring Lisa’s advice on building confidence through public speaking

The Daily Journal
American’s primary law journal. Ms. Wentz gives an interview on how trial lawyers influence juries through use of language and delivery

Triple Pundit
Editor in Chief Jennifer Boyton describes her experience in a public speaking workshop led by Lisa at the BSR conference

Authority Magazine
Yitzi Weiner extensive interview with Lisa on leadership
“5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Experience”

Women In Leadership
Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome it. Written by Lisa